What’s in a name?

Don’t be fooled. Not all ceramic coatings are the same. At its most basic level a ceramic coating, by definition is: A coating primarily comprised of an inorganic polymer, in other words, not based on carbon-carbon (C-C) chains.

A coating can be made of a siloxane, also called SiO2 [-O-Si-O-]. Siloxanes are in the same family as silicones. Traditionally, siloxanes were not called ceramic coatings, but it can be argued that they are ceramic coatings because they are primarily inorganic. Car coating marketeers have decided “ceramic’ sounds great and so they call their SiO2 – siloxane coatings “ceramic coatings”.

Other companies claim their coating is “liquid glass” because their coating is primarily SiO2. True, glass is mostly SiO2 but there are other materials in its composition that make it glass. You cannot coat a car with glass.

Many also claim that their coating actually deposits nanoparticles of SiO2 in the microscopic crevices of a car’s paint. This is not technically practical as particles must be encapsulated in a polymer matrix and then the coating is only as good as the polymer.

NanoSlic coatings are none of the above. They are not siloxanes, not SiO2, not glass, not nanoparticles. NanoSlic coatings are based on specially developed ceramic polymers that are inherently tougher than materials used in other coatings. Though classed as ceramic coatings, they are different. With properties and performance that surpass the so-called ceramic coatings, there is a lot in the name – NanoSlic.